Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Making Our Mark

One of the biggest "American Dreams" is to buy/own a home. Well guess what? That dream didn't stop at the border when I moved.

Recently, hubby and I have been talking about the possibility of buying a home within the next couple of years. Here in Mexico, if you have a job that offers seguro, you can earn points towards purchasing a house. Plus, a little bit of money is taken out of each check and put into an account for you. One of hubby's previous jobs offered this benefit, so he came to the realization that he's already got a head start on this new venture for us. Now we just have to figure out what we need to do to make it more of a reality. He didn't have quite enough points saved up yet, so the first step is to find a position with a company that offers the seguro.

I'm so excited about this new goal in our life. I've always wanted to live in a home where I was paying MYSELF rent rather than someone else. I've always wanted the place I could call my (our) own. I look forward to having our own place and doing whatever we want to it.

This week has been a week of setting goals: daily, weekly, monthly, and even "within the year". I hope we are able to achieve most of them. I want my little family to be in a better place this time next year. It will take babysteps, but babysteps are better than no steps at all.

I am so thankful to have Sisters who understand my situation and how things work in Mexico. It's amazing how information weaves its way through friendships and relationships. My Sisters most likely heard a lot about what they know about living in Mexico from other friends and relationships and word just keeps getting around like that. I don't really like to depend on others for things, and I don't really look at it as being that way. I look at these friendships and networking avenues as a way to propel my family and I into our happy place. And I am more than happy to share the knowledge I have learned with other Sisters who need it too! With the help and support of our loved ones, we will be there sooner than we ever dreamed.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Life South of the Border

A very good friend of mine posted on FB yesterday that she was missing mexico. The first comment was someone asking "Why??" But I already knew the answer to her question. If you've ever stayed in Mexico for an extended period of time, you know the answer too. Life is slower paced here. Things are a little more carefree here. Sure, it's crowded and hot.. especially in the summertime, but when you really embrace all that Mexico has to offer, you really treat yourself to an experience that those who never venture out of the US get to know. The US has scared the crap out of its citizens. Americans think that Mexico is a horrible place to come to. I did too. The first time I came here, I tried to find a place in my car to hide my money because I was terrified that I was going to be pulled over by the police and they'd take it all. SERIOUSLY?! I've never told anyone that until now. But now I look back and laugh. My head was so full of all of the horror stories that I had heard through the years.

But what happened after coming here? I instantly fell in love with Mexico (and my fiance, but that's another post, another time!). It felt like my own little world and I never wanted to leave. After being here a while, I started to explore and I actually met TONS of chicks who spoke English and were going through the same things I was. Over the years, I have gotten to know so many amazing American women who are now living in various parts of Mexico. Every day on Facebook, I read their stories of how they're enjoying Mexico and I'm laughing at the #gringosnmexico posts that friends are constantly posting. No one outside of this bubble we're in gets it. I welcome everyone to come into the bubble and see what it's like first hand. You really don't know what you're missing out on. I just want to thank all of my south of the border sisters for being a part of my life and constantly reminding me that where we are is an amazing place full of amazing, hard-working people who love to throw fiestas, even on weeknights. A place where the beaches aren't crazy packed and you feel like the whole place is yours alone. A place where you can slow down and not be so uptight. We all need a little more of this stuff in our lives and I am making it a priority to embrace more of this stuff myself.

Yesterday, I found out that a man I know of who has a terminal medical condition has decided that he wants to come to Mexico to die. He loves it here. He gets it. I love that he's made this decision!!!

It's been almost 2 years (to the date) of my last post. But I'm back. And I'm staying back. I've missed you all!